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Although your TV will not lose its settings or
stored channels when switched off, you may
wish to re-install the programs because you
have moved to a different area with different
broadcast frequencies, you wish to reinstate
a channel previously deleted from the chan-
nel list, or you want to watch new channels
which have started broadcasting.
Display the DTV Menu and using the 
 or
 buttons, highlight the Installation line and
press OK to display the Installation Menu.
The Installation menu appears.
You can either select Factory Settings, effec-
tively resetting the receiver to its factory setting
condition, or just search for channels.
Automatic Search:
The receiver can search for channels auto-
matically (searching all the broadcast frequen-
cies for free-to-air channels).
To perform Automatic search, Select Automatic
Search with the 
 or   buttons and press
OK. A warning message is displayed.
This starts the automatic tuning process and
searches through all the available broadcast
frequencies for free-to-air channels.
Previous channels will be replaced on auto-
matic search.
If no digital terrestrial television broadcasts
are found, the TV will display a message:
When OK button is pressed, following mes-
sage will appear on the right bottom side of
the screen:
Manual Search:
This is for searching for digital channels on a
single broadcast frequency. The frequency
channel number (21-68) is entered in the box
at the top left of the screen and the received
signal level and signal quality can be observed
on the two bar graphs at the bottom. When OK
is pressed, the TV searches that frequency
and display a list of the channels found.
01-ENG-20710-17MB16P-C1897S UK-(LT-20DJ5SFR)-(TVAVOK)-IDTV-10041701-50088870.p65 05.06.2006, 08:4425