
* The [Set values] in bold letters are factory defaults.
C Multi-Encode2
The following can be set for Encoder No.1 and Encoder No.2.
JPEG(1280 x 960) + MPEG4 (640 x 480)
JPEG(1280 x 960) + MPEG4 (320 x 240)
JPEG(640 x 480) + MPEG4 (640 x 480)
JPEG(320 x 240) + MPEG4 (320 x 240)
The frame rate can be set to 15 fps or lower.
Displays the “JPEG” encoding selected for Multi-Encode2.
Framesize Displays the frame size selected for Multi-Encode2.
Framerate Specify the frame rate for Multi-Encode2.
[Set values: 15 fps, 10 fps, 7.5 fps, 5 fps, 3 fps, 2 fps, 1 fps]
Select the JPEG picture quality (rate control mode) and picture quality level.
When "AFS" is selected, encoding is performed such that the target file
size is the average size of multiple JPEG images.
When "VFS" is selected, the quantization table during JPEG encoding
will be maintained and the file size will increase or decrease according to
the input signals. When recording JPEG data to a recorder with a limited
storage capacity, note that the maximum recording time may vary as the
file size fluctuates under this setting.
[Set values: AFS, VFS]
Picture quality level
[Set values: Level 1 to Level 3 to Level 7]
The chart below shows file sizes for each combination of frame size
and picture quality level.
Select between level 1 and level 7. The picture quality increases when
the level value is small. However, the file size increases (see the table
(Values for reference)
Picture quality level
file size (KB)
Frame Size
1920 x 1080 320 280 240 200 160 120 80
1280 x 720 180 160 140 120 100 80 60
640 x 360 80 60 40 30 25 20 15
1280 x 960 180 160 140 120 100 80 60
640 x 480 80 60 40 30 25 20 15
320 x 240 27 20 13 10 8 7 5