Create Server Certificate Page
This page is for creating a new server certificate for local certification.
This page can be used during access using "admin".
● This is displayed when you update the HTTPS and SNMP functions. For directions on updating,
refer to [HTTPS and SNMP Function Update Procedure]. (A Page 125)
● Characters that can be input vary by item.
B ~ E a-zA-Z0-9_ .,+/()-
F a-zA-Z0-9 .-
G a-zA-Z0-9_@.+"#$-
A Country Code Enter the country code of the local certificate authority.
Use the 2-letter alphabetical country code defined in ISO3166-1 alpha 2.
B State Enter the state of the local certificate authority.
C City Enter the city of the local certificate authority.
D Organization Enter the organization name of the local certificate authority.
Organization unit
Enter the organization unit name of the local certificate authority.
F Common name
Enter the administrator name or server host name of the local certificate
G Mail Address Enter the administrator's mail address.