Steamed salmon cutlets with
hokkien noodles
Serves 2
2 salmon cutlets 150 – 200g each
300g hokkien noodles
200g snow peas, trimmed and cut in strips
2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
1 tablespoon of sesame oil
/4 cup finely chopped green onion
/4 cup finely chopped fresh coriander
Freshly ground black pepper
1. Fill frypan with 4 cups of water and
place the steaming rack in the steaming
position.Turn the temperature control
probe to ‘10’
2.When the water comes to the boil,
place the salmon in a single layer in the
steamer tray and cover with the lid.
3.Turn the temperature control probe to ‘3’
4.After 4 min place the hokkien noodles
into the steaming tier, place the
steaming tier onto the frypan and
replace the lid
5. Combine all the other ingredients in a
6.After 4 min remove the noodles and
salmon. Place the noodles into the bowl
to combine with the other ingredients
7. Serve the drained noodles onto a plate
and top with the salmon, grind some
black pepper and drizzle the noodle
dressing onto the plate
Steamed octopus with coriander and
Serves 4
1 kg baby octopus, cleaned and cut in half
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed limejuice
2 tablespoons finely grated ginger
2 tablespoons sweet Thai chilli sauce
/4 cup fresh coriander leaves
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1. Place the octopus into a bowl, add the
remaining ingredients and mix well
2. Marinate the octopus for 4 hours in the
3. Fill frypan reservoir with 4 cups of
water and place the steaming tray on
top of the frypan.
4.Turn the temperature control probe
to ‘10’
5. When the water comes to the boil
place the drained octopus into the
steaming tier and cover with the lid.
(Keep any left over marinade to place
on the octopus when cooked.)
6.Turn the temperature control probe to
‘4’ for 10 – 12 minutes and/or until
octopus is cooked
7. When the octopus is cooked mix with
the left over marinade.
8. Serve warm with either mixed salad or
steamed rice.