Ingredients Preparation Time on Temperature
Control Setting 4
Artichoke Trim stalks and leaves; keep whole Place in steaming tray or steaming
rack and steam for 20 – 30 minutes
Asparagus Trim stalks; cut or leave whole Place in steaming tray and steam for
5 – 7 minutes
Beans Remove stem and string; cut or Place in steaming tray and steam
leave whole for 12 minutes
Broccoli Remove leaves and ends of tough stalk. Place whole broccoli on steaming
Keep whole or separate into spears or rack and flowerets in steaming tray
flowerets and steam for 10 – 15 minutes
Brussels Discard wilted leaves and trim ends Place in steaming tray and steam
sprouts for 20 minutes
Cabbage Discard wilted leaves; keep whole or Place whole on steaming rack and
quartered quarters in steaming tray and steam
for 10 – 15 minutes
Carrots Scrape or peel and cut off end. Place in steaming tray and steam
Keep whole or separate into flowerets for 20 minutes
Cauliflower Remove leaves and cut off end. Place whole cauliflower on steaming
Keep whole or separate into flowerets rack and flowerets in steaming tray.
Steam for 15 – 20 minutes
Celery Remove strings and leaves. Cut into Place in steaming tray and steam
5cm pieces. for 5 – 7 minutes
Eggplant/ Remove stem, slice 1.3cm thick. Sprinkle Place in steaming tray and steam for
aubergine with lemon juice if not using immediately 3 – 5 minutes
Mushrooms Scrub and trim ends. Place in steaming tray and steam
Keep whole or quartered for 3 – 5 minutes
Capsicum Remove stem and seeds. Place in steaming tray and steam
Keep whole or cut as desired for 4 – 6 minute
Parsnips Peel and remove tops. Place in steaming tray and steam
Cut into quarters or 1.3cm slices for 20 minutes
Peas (fresh) Remove pods Place in steaming tray and steam
for 10 – 12 minutes
Peas (frozen) Place in steaming tray and steam
for 5 – 7 minutes
Pumpkin Remove the seeds and cut into Place in the steaming tray and steam
small pieces for 20 – 25 minutes
otatoes Peel and keep whole or quartered Place whole on steaming rack and qtrs.
in steaming tray. Steam for 20 – 25
utes or 10 – 15min f
or quarters.
Remove blossom and stem ends. Place in steaming tray and steam
Cut into 1.3cm slices
or 10 – 12 min
Vegetable Steaming Chart