1 2
6 7 8 9 10
21 22 23
This machine enables you to sew beautiful decorative and embroidery stitches by means of various discs
supplied with your machine, The movements of the needle are controlled by the disc. Basic decorative
stitches are made with the satin stitch fo0St, stitch width at 4 and stitch length at the red mark on the
indicator plate. Stitch length will vary slightly depending upon the type of material to be sewn. Pattern
may be changed by using any other lengt h or width, All patterns also can be made with double needle.
See page 25. When using the disc numbers 2]. 22, 23 and 24, the stitch length control should be set at 4,
Disc number 21 also makes the stretch stitch when it is used as directed in the instructions for Sewing
on Stretch Fabrics, See page 27.
It is necessary to reduce the upper thread tension somewhat [or decorative stitching. As the stitch width
is increased, the tension should be decreased, This will prevent the material from puckering and will
prevent the bobbin thread from coming up on the top of the fabric.
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