Your KENMORE will sew all the new fabrics of synthetic fiber,
such as nylon, *Orion, _ _Dacron, rayon, acetate, blends o| these,
and combinations of synthetic and natural gibers. When stitching a
fabric of hlended or cnmbined fibers, handle it as you would a
material of the fiber present in the [arRest percentage. For example,
a fabric woven of 60% Orlon and 40% silk should be handled as one
made entirely of Orlon.
When stitching a fabric that is over 50% synthetic fiber, remember:
a. _elect patterns of the loose fitting type with cap or kimono
sleeves, because most synthetic fiber fabrics cannot he eased
wltil steam pressing, and are not absorbent,
b. Use a s_'nthetic thread.
c, Use a fine needle as recommended in chart on page 5.
d. Wind the bobbin in the usual way, but do not pass thread bet-
ween tension discs. Guide thread by hand for a smoothly wound
Choose the stitch length that gives the most satis|actory seam.
Check thread ten,ions by sewing on a double thickness of the
fabric to be used. Usually the upper thread tension must he
loosened. Sometimes both bobbin and upper thread tensions
must be loosened _pages 12, 13L
Set the machine with normal thread tensions and a large size stitch.
Use a fine needle and mercerized thread. Hold plastic pieces
together with cellophane tape or pape_ clips rather than pins. Sew
corners slightly rounded rather than square,
_Trademark tot Dupont's Acrylic fiber. _Trademafk for Dupont's
polyester fiber,