
Variation of Zigzag Stitches
Overcasting stitch
O Stitch pattern: 04
(_)Thread tension dial:AUTO
_'3_C:Overedge foot
This zigzag variation is very useful in garment construction
and in finishing raw edges of any sewing project°
[] The black ridge and the guide wires en the overedge
foot keep the edge neat and the fabric straight.
[] Place your fabric so that the double guide wires come to
the edge_ The machine will stitch over these wires. The
black ridge will keep the loose threads in so that the
needle can stitch over them_
[_ As you sew, be sure your fabric edge pushes up against
the black ridge.
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Tricot Stitch
Q Stitch pattern: 05
Q Thread tension dial:AUTO
A: Zigzag foot
This stitch can be used to prevent stretch material edges
from fraying, when sewing folded fabric_
Second methed is to keep an extra space allowance from
the fabric edge and after finishing the sewing, cut the extra
seam allowance as shown.
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