Automatic Buttonhole (BH1)
(_ Stitch pattern: BH1
(_ Thread tension dia!: AUTO
(_) R: Automatic buttonhole foot
* When you select the buttonhole stitch, the screen
indicates the message: "PUUL DOWN BH LEVER"
for a few seconds.
Sewing preparation
[] Attach the automatic buttonhole foot R. Make sure
the groove on the holder catches the pin on the foot,
when lowering the presser foot.
O Groove
(_ Pin
[] Pull the button holder to the back, and place the
button in iL Push it together tightly on the buttonĀ°
(_ Button holder
ff the button is extremly thick, make a test buttonhole.
ff it is difficult to fit the button through the test
buttonhole, lengthen by pulling the button holder on
the foot back to increase length.
Q Button holder
[] Pull the buttonhole lever down as far as it will go.
(_) Buttonhole lever