RS232 Connection
The RS232 connection is used to control the GSZ67 by an external controller or
computer and can work with our without keypads. The GSZ67 connects to the RS232
controller with a 9-pin db9 connector. The programming reference follows.
1.0 Terminal Settings
To control the GSZ series amplifier via other control systems, connect a RS-232 cable to the
serial control connector on the rear of the GSZ unit and set your computer’s or control unit port
settings to match the following configuration:
Bits per second 19,200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
Emulation Auto detect
1.1 Command Summary
All commands are enclosed in parentheses. The request can be in some cases a read request
(followed by a “?”), or a write request (followed by 0-2 ASCII digits). A read command will return
the current setting, and write command will change the setting.
Read request format: (nAA?) where:
( starts the command
n denotes amplifier channel (if required)
AA denotes the command (may be 1 or 2 letters)
? denotes the read request
) ends the command
Read Request Example 1.1:
Function Command Response
Volume (1vl?) returns the volume on channel 1 (0-87)
Write request format (nAA$$) where:
( starts the command
n denotes the amplifier channel (if required)
AA denotes the command (may be 1, 2 or 3 letters !!)
$$ denotes the value to be written if required (leading zero’s ARE necessary)
) ends the command
Write Request Examples 1.2:
Function Command Response
Turn Channel On (1on) turns on amplifier channel 1 on
Select Input (1sl7) turn amplifier channel 1 to input 7
Set Volume (1vl50) turn amplifier channel 1 to volume 50
(of 87)
Supported Commands
Command Summary
# = numerical zone or amplifier channel value
$$ = second numerical value (may be one or two digits)