Function Command Range Read/Write Remarks
Version (vr?) none read only
Reset (rx) none write only 1 second
Channel On (#on) 1-6 write only
Channel Off (#of) 1-6 write only
Mute (#mu) 1-6 write only
Un-mute (#um) 1-6 write only
Mute All (amu) none write only
Un-mute All (aum) none write only
Volume Request (#vl?) 1-6 read only
Volume Set (#vl$$) 1-6 / 0-87 write only
Volume All (avl$$) 0-87 write only
Input Request (#sl?) 1-6 read only
Input Set (#sl$) 1-6 / 1-7 write only
Input Select All (asl$) 1-7 write only
All Channels On (aon) none write only
All Channels Off (aof) none write only
All Channels Vol up (avlu) none write only Note 1
All Channels Vol dn (avld) none write only Note 1
Channel Vol up (#vlu) 1-6 write only Note 1
Channel Vol down (#vld) 1-6 write only Note 1
Bass adjustment (#b$) 1-6 / 0-F write only Note 2
Treble adjustment (#t$) 1-6 / 0-F write only Note 2
Display treble (#b?) 1-6 read only
Display bass (#t?) 1-6 read only
Note1: Volume up or down requests increase or decrease volume level by 5
Note 2: Treble and bass commands use hexadecimal values 0-F, default (flat) is 8.
Also, it is best to leave about a ½ second between commands, as some integrators may miss
commands if they are entered too quickly.
All commands also send a message back to the terminal after they have been completed, so that
it is easy to keep track of the previous commands that were sent.
Note: Some commands are read or write only and some are both – for example:
Mute All is a write only command and Version is a read only command.
Supported Command Messages
Function Command Message
Version (vr?) Version Number
Reset (rx) “Resetting...”
Channel On (#on) “Zone # on”
Channel Off (#of) “Zone # off“
Mute (#mu) “Zone # muted”
Un-mute (#um) “Zone # unmuted”
Mute All (amu) "All channels muted"
Un-mute All (aum) "All channels un-muted"
Volume Request (#vl?) "Zone # volume level = $$"
Volume Set (#vl$$) "Zone # volume level set"
Volume All (avl$$) "All volume levels successfully changed"
Input Set (#sl$) "Zone # input set"
Input Request (#sl?) "Zone # is currently using input channel $”
Input Select All (asl$) "All zones set to source $"
All Channels Off (aof) "All zones turned off"
All Channels On (aon) “All zones turned on”