Printer Conversion to KODAK EKTACOLOR Edge 8 and EKTACOLOR ROYAL VIII Papers • CIS-201 3
Morning Setup channel will use the new paper, you
would input the following:
This Channel Balance correction will be made to
channels 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, and 07.
Note: If the channels that will use the new paper are not
in a continuous range, you will have to make multiple
corrections to avoid altering channels that use other
paper types.
8. Repeat Steps 3 through 7 until the Normal test print
matches the Normal reference print within one button.
When the test print matches the reference print, you can
proceed to “Setting the Paper Slope.”
Setting the Paper Slope
After matching the Normal test and Normal reference prints,
make test prints from the “Under” and “Over” Printer Setup
Negative. Make sure to use the same channel that was used
to make the Old-Paper Reference Prints. If the Under and
Over test prints match the reference prints, the conversion is
If the test and reference prints do not match, proceed as
1. Calculate the corrections from the density readings in
the same way you did for the normal test and reference
2. Apply the slope correction to the paper channels that
will use the new paper by using the channel shift
To correct the Under slope:
NEG→YES→input correction
To correct the Over slope:
NEG→YES→input correction
You do not include CH 00 in the channel range, because
slope is switched off for CH 00.
3. Repeat the steps until the Under and Over test prints
match the Under and Over reference prints to within one
When Channel 00 is set up for EKTACOLOR Edge 8/
ROYAL VIII Paper, you must make a new Morning Setup
reference print to use in place of the old Edge 7/ROYAL VII
Paper reference print. When you have achieved the final
balance, make a print on CH 00 and store it to use for
Morning Setup.
00-07 (N) Range of channels
0.0Y -0.7M 1.5C -0.4D Y/N
Input corrections
calculated above.
Ringaround Method
This method does not require a densitometer.
1. When your supply of EKTACOLOR Edge 7/
ROYAL VII Paper is about to run out, print the Printer
Setup Negative “Normal,” “Under,” and “Over” on the
channel most commonly used for the paper. Label the
three prints “Old-Paper Reference Print—Normal,”
“Old-Paper Reference Print—Under,” and “Old-Paper
Reference Print—Over.”
Keep the negative and prints in a safe place. Record the
paper channel (00 to 59) and Morning Setup channel (11
to 84) used to print this test.
Also record the channels that will be using the new
paper. Only these channels will be corrected.
Note: If this paper size/surface will also be used for
Morning Setup, you must include channel 00 in the
2. When you are ready to convert to the new paper, load it
into the printer.
3. Print a one-button ringaround, using the same test
negative you used to make the reference prints in Step 1.
You must use the same paper channel and Morning
Setup channel as before. Print a ringaround from the
Normal negative as follows:
To print a one-button ringaround:
4. When the prints are processed, select the print that is the
closest match to the reference print. Apply the
correction as indicated by the backprint. It will appear in
this order:
This is a typical example. Some printers may have
different CVP settings. If the backprint is switched off
or not legible, keep the prints in order and mark the
correction on the back. The prints are printed in this
order: -Y, +Y, -M, +M, -C, +C, -D, +D, N.
5. Identify the channels that are currently using the old
paper. These channels will all require the same
Note: If the Master Balance or Morning Setup channel
will use the new paper, you must include CH 00 in the
Channel Balance Shift.
6. Apply the balance correction to the paper channels
using this paper size:
7. Determine which channels use this paper. For example,
to input the correction if the -1M print is closest to the
Key: Print Order Channel Y M C D CF
Data: 236 45 0111 N N N N 2