6 Printer Conversion to KODAK EKTACOLOR Edge 8 and EKTACOLOR ROYAL VIII Papers • CIS-201
6. Press D-IN and input the range of channels that will be
using the new paper (do not include channel 00). Enter
the correction, and press YES.
Repeat Steps 1 through 6 until no further correction is
required. Setup of the Over slope is complete.
Compensation Procedure for NORITSU 901,
1001, 1201, and 1202 Printers
Follow this procedure to test KODAK EKTACOLOR
Edge 8/ROYAL VIII Papers when converting from KODAK
EKTACOLOR Edge 7/ROYAL VII Papers, and to set up
your printer for the new paper.
Testing the New Paper
If the printer uses only one type of paper, follow Method 1.
If it uses more than one type, follow Method 2.
Method 1:
1. When your supply of EKTACOLOR Edge 7/
ROYAL VII Paper is about to run out, print the Printer
Setup Negative “Normal,” “Under,” and “Over” on the
channel most commonly used for the paper. Label the
three prints “Old-Paper Reference Print—Normal,”
“Old-Paper Reference Print—Under,” and “Old-Paper
Reference Print—Over.”
2. When you are ready to convert to the new paper, load it
into the printer and perform a Morning Setup procedure.
3. Print the Printer Setup Negative, “Under,” “Normal,”
and “Over” on the channel that will be most commonly
used for the new paper. If the test prints match the
reference prints, the paper change is complete. If the test
prints do not match the reference prints, proceed to
“Setting the Paper Slope.”
Method 2:
1. When your supply of EKTACOLOR Edge 7/
ROYAL VII Paper is about to run out, print the Printer
Setup Negative “Normal,” “Under,” and “Over” on the
channel most commonly used for the paper. Label the
three prints “Old-Paper Reference Print—Normal,”
“Old-Paper Reference Print—Under,” and “Old-Paper
Reference Print—Over.”
2. When you are ready to convert to the new paper, load it
into the printer. Make a print from the “Normal” Printer
Setup Negative on the new paper. Make sure to use the
same channel as in Step 1. Label the print “New-Paper
Test Print—Normal.”
3. Measure the Normal reference print and the print
labeled “New-Paper Test Print—Normal,” and record
the readings. See Example 1.
Example 1
Densitometer Readings—Normal Reference
and Normal Test Prints
Cyan Magenta Yellow
REFERENCE 75 80 73
TEST 90 87 73
Difference -15 -7 00
Note: To obtain the difference, subtract the test-print
density from the reference-print density.
4. To calculate the correction, add the cyan, magenta, and
yellow difference values to obtain an overall density
reading. Divide by 5 to obtain the density correction.
Divide the cyan, magenta, and yellow difference values
by 10 to obtain the color correction.
The correction for this example is -1.5 Cyan,
-.7 Magenta, .0 Yellow, and -.4 Density.
5. Identify the channels that are using the old paper, and
record them; these channels will all require the same
Note: If the Master Balance or Morning Setup channel
will use the new paper, you must include CH 00 in the
Channel Balance Shift. For example, if the new paper is
used in channels 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, and the
Master Balance or Morning Setup channel, you would
enter the following:
This Channel Balance correction will be made to
channels 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, and 07.
6. Input the correction into the Channel Balance Shift as
a. While pressing MODE, press SETUP, and then
b. Press D-IN. Press YES.
c. To input the sample correction above for channels
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, enter the following:
Press the YES key. The Channel Balance correction will
be made to channels 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.
Repeat Steps 2 through 6 until the Normal test print
matches the Normal reference print. When the Normal test
print matches the Normal reference print, you can proceed to
“Setting the Paper Slope.”
Setting the Paper Slope
After matching the Normal test and Normal reference prints,
make test prints from the “Under” and “Over” Printer Setup
Negatives. Make sure to use the same channel you used to
make the reference prints. If the Under and Over test prints
match the reference prints, the paper change is complete.
Difference -15 -7 0 = -22 -22 / 5 = -.4
Color Correction -1.5 -.7 .0
00-07 (N) Y/N
-0.0 Y -.7 M -1.5 C -.4 D
10-15 (N) Y/N
0.0 Y -.7 M -1.5 C -.4 D
Press the arrow keys to move the cursor.