Macintosh Software
☞ To delete pictures from a burst or timelapse folder, expand the folder
and then select the pictures.
2 Click Delete.
3 In the resulting message, click Delete to erase the pictures from the picture
source. To keep the pictures, click Cancel.
View Picture Information
To view picture information, click the picture or burst or timelapse folder in the
application window viewing area.
☞ To view information on pictures in a burst or timelapse folder, expand the
folder and then select a picture.
Getting Pictures from Your Computer
You can use Digital Access software to display FlashPixª and JPEG pictures
saved on your computer.
1 From the Source pop-up menu, select Change Folder.
The Change Folder dialog box appears.
The Picture Information window
shows the following information
for a single picture:
✔ Width
✔ Height
✔ Date
✔ Time
✔ File type
✔ Aperture (f-stop)
✔ Exposure time (seconds)
✔ Flash on/off
The Picture Information window shows the width, height, date, time, file
type, and number of pictures in a burst or timelapse folder.
Picture Information window