11 www.kodak.com/go/support
3 Setting up Web content
Opening the Device Settings Web page
On your computer, open your frame’s Device Settings Web page in your browser.
You’ll use it to set up access to the KODAK Gallery and RSS (Really Simple
Syndication) feeds from services like FLICKR® and FRAMECHANNEL.
WINDOWS OS users—use KODAK EASYSHARE Digital Display Software to
open the Device Settings Web page.
MAC OS users—enter the frame’s IP address in your browser to open the
Device Settings page. See page 12.
WINDOWS OS users, here’s how to open your frame’s Device Settings Web page:
1 Make sure the frame and computer are connected to your wireless network
(page 5) and your computer is connected to the Internet.
2 On your computer, click on your desktop to
open EASYSHARE Digital Display Software.
3 Right-click the frame in the Drag and Drop Zone,
then select Device Settings.
Your frame’s Device Settings Web page opens in your
browser (see page 13).
Display Software