Doing more with your frame
www.kodak.com/go/digitalframesupport 17
Selecting multiple pictures
Use the multi-select feature to copy or delete two or more pictures; or to play a slide
show of selected pictures.
1 In thumbnails view, slide along the bottom touch border to find a picture, then tap
to select it.
A check mark appears on the selected picture.
2 Continue selecting pictures.
To remove a check mark, tap again.
Selecting/Unselecting all
Select all
1 Tap (Menu) whenever pictures are displayed
(slide show, thumbnails view, single picture).
2 Tap Select All.
A confirmation screen appears, then your picture display
reappears. A check mark is displayed on all pictures in
your current location.
Unselect all
■ To remove all check marks, choose Unselect All.
A confirmation screen appears, then your picture display
reappears. All check marks are removed.