April 29, 2004 1-1
Important Information
Thank you for purchasing your KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS Pro SLR/n
Digital Camera. This portable camera system, which combines technologies
of Eastman Kodak Company and NIKON Corporation, allows you to capture
and store high-resolution, high-quality digital images. Before you start using
the camera, follow the instructions listed below.
• Read the Warranty statement.
• Verify that your MACINTOSH or WINDOWS-based computer meets the
system requirements.
• Read the Warnings section.
• Review the Important Safeguards and Precautions.
• Register your camera. See below.
System Requirements for Your Computer
Refer to the following Web site for system requirements:
Warranty Registration for your Camera
So that we may better serve your support needs, please register your
camera in one of two ways (listed below). Your registration enables you to
download camera firmware, software updates, and technical information
for your camera.
•Go to www.kodak.com/go/DCSRegister
• Complete the Registration card (included with your camera).