About Your Camera
April 29, 2004 2-21
Depth of Field Preview Button
The depth of field is the zone of acceptable focus in front of and behind the
• Press the Depth of Field Preview button to confirm the depth of field
through the viewfinder.
Pressing the Depth of Field Preview button stops the lens down to the
aperture controlled in Programmed Auto or Shutter-Priority Auto
Exposure mode, or the aperture selected in Aperture-Priority Auto or
Manual Exposure mode. By looking through the viewfinder, you can
confirm the approximate depth of field with the given aperture.
Imager Plane Indicator
The Imager Plane indicator shows the standard line of the shooting
distance and indicates the position of the imager plane inside the camera
body. Use this indicator when actually measuring camera-to-subject
distance, for example, in close-up photography.
The distance from the lens mounting flange to the imager plane is
46.5 mm.