• Figure 4, Configuration Screen
Prescan Resolution
You may now select between three different prescan resolutions – 300, 600 or 900 dpi. A
high dpi Prescan will maintain higher image quality longer if you magnify the Prescan
using the Zoom In tool. However, higher dpi Prescans will take longer to perform and
process and place larger temporary files on your hard drive. The files will be deleted when
the Host Software is closed.
Color Processing
This item replaces the Color Depth selection, 8-bit or 12-bit, in the older RFS 3600
software. As with the earlier RFS 3600 Host Software, all Prescans and Scans performed
by the RFS 3600 generate 12 bits of data per pixel. If the 8-bit Color Processing option is
selected, the scanner’s 12-bit Prescan/Scan data are converted to 8-bit space before
being transferred to your computer, one byte/pixel. Once in the computer, the data is
transformed back up to 12-bit space. If the 12-bit Color Processing option is selected, the
scanner’s 12-bit Prescan/Scan data are transferred directly to your computer using 2
bytes/pixel. The Kodak image processing performed in your computer is done in 12-bit
space, no matter which of these two options is selected. The tradeoff is a shorter total data
transfer time with the 8-bit Color Processing option versus more accurate image details
with the 12-bit Color Processing.
Final Scan, Multi-Sampling
This new option allows you to average multiple data samples which may help produce a
lower overall digital noise level in your final scan. The higher your Multi-Sampling
selection, the longer your final scans will take to be completed.
Frame Numbering
This new feature allows you input the frame numbering sequence of your filmstrip. For
example, say you have a 6-frame filmstrip, frame numbers 13-18. If you insert the filmstrip
with frame 18 being the first frame, you may now have the thumbnails at the top of the
Main Screen numbered 18 through 13. Enter 18 into the “Start numbering at:” box and
click the Descending radio button. As the Prescans are performed, the thumbnails will be
assigned the same number as the frames on the filmstrip. See the strip of thumbnails in
Figure 6 for an example of reverse numbering. In addition, this “Start numbering at:” value
and the Ascending/Descending selection are transferred to the Scan to File dialog box.
The “Start numbering at:” feature may only be applied to future prescans; you cannot
renumber existing thumbnails. Valid thumbnail numbers are from 0 to 999.
Output Depth
Note: your imaging editing application must be able to use 16-bit data for this new feature
to be of use. If you plan on working in the 16-bit space, you should review the features
within ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 6. This version of ADOBE PHOTOSHOP has the most
extensive 16-bit features, but still many of its Filters are not available in 16 Bits/Channel