Page 49 of the original User's Manual states that image thumbnails will not be affected by
color adjustments made by the user. This is incorrect; the thumbnails will reflect the
changes seen in the Preview Image.
The thumbnail strip across the top of the Main Screen has some new features. Click on a
thumbnail to select it and the frame’s Preview Image appears in the Preview Screen. The
thumbnail which is currently being displayed in the Preview Screen has a dashed red
border. See thumbnail number 15 in Figure 6. Shift-click to select consecutive
thumbnails; Control-click to select individual, non-consecutive thumbnails. A crop box on
a Preview Image will also be seen on its thumbnail when the thumbnail is selected.
As seen in Figure 7, the thumbnail listing now shows both the total number of thumbnails
that were generated and how many have been selected. Notice that the maximum
number of frames allowed on a filmstrip has been increased to 40.
• Figure 7, Frame Selection
White/Gray/Black Balance Eyedroppers
The black, gray and white eyedroppers adjust the brightness and contrast of an image
such that the new brightness of the point chosen by the user is either black, mid-scale
gray or white.
The operation of these color balance eyedroppers has been changed to more closely
reflect the operation you have seen in ADOBE PHOTOSHOP. Note: As with ADOBE
PHOTOSHOP eyedroppers, the RFS 3600 Host Software eyedroppers’ values will
be saved from scan session to scan session. To reset the RFS 3600 eyedroppers’
values to their default values, perform a Prescan and then click the Default Balance
Eyedropper usage example: After performing a Prescan, double-click the black
eyedropper tool, enter a value of 20 for Red, Green and Blue and then click “OK”.
The pointer then changes to a black eyedropper. Using the Preview Image or the
image in the Image Window, you then select (click on) a pixel having RGB code
values of 50, 55 and 60 (example only). The code values of this pixel will be shifted to
20, 20, 20 and the pixel values throughout the image are adjusted proportionately.
The operation of the black balance eyedroppers is similar. In the case of the gray
eyedropper, the point chosen by the user will now have a brightness level similar to
that of a mid-scale gray although the point itself may not become gray (have equal
code values).
Image Window
No new features have been added to the Image Window. However, using the Image
Window with the new high dpi Prescan function will help you perform accurate cropping
and color adjustment operations. See Prescan Resolution.