
[2] Copier Initial (continued)
[1] Copy Mode
Set Copy mode to occur after power on or after Auto/Reset occurs.
Setting options: RADF; 1-1; 1-2; 2-2; 2-1
Default setting: RADF on, 1-1
Key Operator Mode Screen Copier Initial Setting Screen
Copy Mode Initial Setting Screen
1 Touch [2] Copier Initial on the Key Operator Mode Screen to display the Copier Initial
Setting Screen,
then touch 1. COPY MODE to display the Copy Mode Initial Setting
2 Touch the setting you want for the initial condition of the copier.
If 1-2, 2-2 or 2-1 mode is selected, RADF will also be selected, automatically. In this
case, the RADF must be in a closed position when power is turned ON, or when Auto/
Reset is functioning. Otherwise, the message “Please close RADF” will be displayed.
3 Touch OK to complete the setting and return to the Copier Initial Setting Menu Screen.
If other copier initial setting changes are required, touch the desired key.
4 Touch RETURN to restore the Key Operator Mode Screen.
5 If no further changes are required, touch RETURN to restore the Basic Screen to
perform copying operations.