
[3] Preset Key (continued)
6 To program Userset (1 or 2) to a lighter level, perform the following operation, then
proceed to step 7.
Userset Density Lighter Setting Screen
Touch Lighter to display the Userset Density
Lighter Setting Screen.
Touch No.1 1~4, No.2 5~8, No.3 9~12, or No.4
13~16, then press [START]. The lighter level
sample sheet will be output.
Select the desired lighter exposure from the
sample sheet(s), then touch the density number
from 1 to 16.
7 Touch OK to complete the setting and return to
the Preset Key Setting Menu Screen.
8 Touch RETURN to restore the Key Operator
Mode Screen.
9 If no further changes are required, touch RETURN to restore the Basic Screen to
perform copying operations.