
When using flash, TIFF, or RAW & JPEG, single-frame advance is employed. To make a
flash bracket, raise the camera flash; the ambient exposure is not bracketed.
When exposure brackets are made in S exposure mode, the aperture controls the bracket. In A and
M modes, the shutter speed controls the bracket; in M mode, pressing the exposure-compensation
button during the bracket changes the exposure control to the aperture. The camera uses both the
aperture and shutter speed control the bracket in P mode.
With a Digital Effect bracket, if the contrast or color saturation is set to the maximum or minimum
level (±5), one bracket will be made at ± 6: +5, +4, +6. A RAW image cannot exceed the maximum
and minimum levels and will contain two identical brackets: +5, +4, +5. A black and white Filter
bracket is made to the settings before and after the set Filter (p. 79). If Filter 10 is selected, the
bracket series will be 10, 9, 0.
Compose the picture as described in the basic recording section (p.
33). Press and hold the shutter-release button all the way down (1) to
make the bracket series; three consecutive images will be captured.
If single-frame advance bracketing is selected, the shutter-release
button must be pressed for each exposure. If set to continuous AF
(p. 46), the camera will continue to focus during a continuous brack-
Number of frames in
bracketing series
Frame counter
0.3 Ev