The font, font style, and point size can be specified for the folder
path and page number, caption, and title. Simply click the font-
setup button to open the font dialog box.The sample area will
reflect the settings.The script can be selected from the drop-
down menu at the bottom of the window.The fonts and scripts
available vary with the computer system.
Select from the following setting to lay out the index sheets. All changes are reflected in the preview
Rows x Column - to lay out the images in a specified number of horizontal rows and vertical
Size - to select the pixel dimensions of the index sheet.The greater the number of pixels, the fine the
image resolution and the larger the file size.
Thumbnail frame - to print a black frame around each image.The frame can indicate the extent of
an image that has a large area of white near the edges such as a cloudy sky.
Folder & Page Number - to print the folder name and location of the images and the page number
and total number of pages.
Caption - to print the file name and date and time of recording under each image.
Title - to print a title at the top of each sheet.
Enter the title of the index sheets in the dialog
box.Click the OK button; the title will appear in
the title field as well as at the top of the preview