The image quality of a 640 X 480 (VGA) or smaller movie
clip can be adjusted. If both flicker correction and image cor-
rection is applied to the same movie clip, the flicker correc-
tion processing should be done first.With the movie dis-
played in the movie enhancer, select the image-correction
option from the correction menu to open the palette.
The drop-down menu at the top of the window switches between the the basic and advance setup
palettes. Both palettes control the same image qualities, but the advance setup palette allows finer
The correction-preview display shows
the original image and the corrected
image.To initially display the corrected
image, press the preview button. Use
the preview button to update the image
display every time a setting is changed.
The frame-selection slider can display
any frame in the movie clip.
The basic setup palette allows correc-
tions to color, contrast, saturation,
sharpness, and brightness in three
degrees.“Low” makes a slight adjust-
ment to the quality, whereas “High”
makes a large change.