
C550 2-74
File Type
Select the file format for saving the scan data. The following four file formats
are available.
File Type
Some File Type settings may not be available, depending on the selected
Color setting. The possible combinations of the File Type and Color settings
are shown below.
If the “PDF” or “Compact PDF” File Type setting is selected, the encryption
level and stamp combination method can be specified.
Encryption settings
Setting Description
PDF Select this setting to save the data in the PDF format.
Compact PDF Select this setting to save the data in a highly compressed PDF format.
TIFF Select this setting to save data in the TIFF format.
JPEG Select this setting to save the data in the JPEG format.
XPS Select this setting to save the data in the XPS format.
Auto Color Full Color Grayscale Black
PDF oooo
Compact PDF ooo×
TIFF oooo
JPEG ooo×
XPS oooo
Parameter Description
Encryption Level Select the encryption level.
Password Enter the password necessary to open encrypted data. Type in a pass-
word of 32 characters or less. For confirmation, type in the password
Document Permis-
Enter the password necessary to change document permissions. Type
in a password of 32 characters or less. For confirmation, type in the
password again.