C550 2-37
Selecting a destination that was searched for
Follow the procedure described below to search for the desired destination.
This procedure describes an advanced search.
In order to perform an Address Search, settings for the LDAP server must
be specified from Administrator mode. For details, refer to “Enabling
LDAP” on page 4-64.
For details on performing an Address Search, refer to “Selecting a desti-
nation with an Address Search” on page 2-41.
Parameter Description
Index This button appears if “Address Book Default” (displayed by touch-
ing [Custom Display Settings] on the User Settings screen, then
[Fax/Scan Settings]) is set to “Address Type”. The index characters
can be searched based on the character that was specified when the
destination was registered.
Address Type This button appears if “Address Book Default” (displayed by touch-
ing [Custom Display Settings] on the User Settings screen, then
[Fax/Scan Settings]) is set to “Index”. The destination types can be
searched based on the type that was specified when the destination
was registered.
Detail Search Type in the destination name or part of the address to search for the
corresponding address.
Address Search An LDAP search can be performed if an LDAP server is being used,
for example, for user management. Search the addresses registered
on the LDAP server for the address that corresponds to the condi-
tions. A basic search, where a keyword is entered, and an advanced
search, where multiple conditions are used to narrow down the
search, are available.