Assigning functions to REALTIME CONTROLS B-mode knobs [1]–[4]
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Assigning functions to REAL-
knobs [1]–[4]
Here’s how you can assign functions to REAL-
TIME CONTROLS B-mode knobs [1]–[4].
The functions of these knobs in B-mode can be
separately assigned for each program, combina-
tion, and multi set.
You will make these settings in “Knob B Assign”
in the following pages.
• The default assignments for knobs 1–4 are
Knob Mod.1 (CC#17), Knob Mod.2 (CC#19),
Knob Mod.3 (CC#20), and Knob Mod.4
(CC#21), respectively. For a complete list of the
possible assignments, see “Knobs 1…4 B
Assign” (☞PG p.162).
Here’s an example of how to set up knob [1] to
control a Program’s filter and amp EG attack time:
1. Press the [PROG] button to enter Program
2. Access PROG 7: Ed–Arp/Ctrls, Controls.
Press the [MENU/OK] button, use the
ClickPoint to select “Arp/Controls,” and then
press the center.
3. Choose Knob 1-B “Knob B Assign,” and use the
[VALUE] dial etc. to select F/A Attack (CC#73).
button to select B-mode, and turn knob [1] to
control the EG attack for the filter and amp.
Note: If you wish to keep these settings after the
power is turned off, you must save the Program,
Combination, or Multi set.
Adjusting the display con-
You can change the display contrast by adjusting
the GLOBAL 0: System, Preference page “LCD
Contrast” setting.
Note: If you wish to keep these settings after the
power is turned off, you must save the Global
Tap tempo control
A tap tempo control function is available in Pro-
gram, Combination, and Multi modes.
In each mode while the arpeggiator is playing,
you can press the foot switch (when “Foot SW
Assign” is set to Tap Tempo ☞p.88) several times
at the desired tempo to control the playback
tempo in realtime.
This function is convenient when you want to
match the playback tempo of the arpeggiator play-
back to another beat in real-time.
The Tap tempo feature also provides real-time
control over any BPM or tempo based effects.
The following example shows the procedure for
using Tap tempo in Program mode.
1. In Program mode, select a drum program.
You may find it convenient to choose from the
Drum category.
2. In the PROG 0: Play, select the Arp. Play page
and check the “Latch” check box.
3. Turn on the front panel [ARP ON/OFF] button.
4. Press the foot switch (when “Foot SW Assign”
is set to Tap Tempo) several times at the desired
tempo. The tempo “ =” indication in the upper
right of the display will change according to the
playback tempo.
When you play the keyboard, the arpeggiator
will play a drum pattern at the specified tempo.
5. Lightly press the foot switch on the beat, and
slightly shorten the intervals at which you
press the button.
The playback tempo of the drum pattern will
speed up slightly.
Note: Tap tempo control can be used whenever the
[TEMPO] knob can be operated.
Mode Page
Program PROG 7: Ed–Arp/Ctrls, Controls
Combination COMBI 7: Ed–Arp/Ctrls, Controls
Multi MULTI 7: Arp/Ctrls, Controls