Dynamic modulation and BPM/MIDI Sync.
Quick StartIntroductionSetupProgram
MultiEffectGlobalArpeggiatorDrum Kit
External control
Other functions
In this example, IFX is used by 2 (timbre 2) and 5
(timbre 5).
In the same way as for a program, you can select
the insert effect, turn it on/off, and set the “Pan
(CC#8),” “BUS Select,” “S1” (Send 1 (MFX1)), and
“S2” (Send2 (MFX2)) parameters that follow the
insert effect. (☞p.82)
Master effects
Master EQ
These settings are made in the same way as for
programs (☞p.83).
Specifying the MIDI channel that will
control effects
Insert effect
You can specify the MIDI channel that will control
the insert effect dynamic modulation (Dmod) and
the “Pan” (CC#8), “Send 1 (MFX1),” and “Send 2
(MFX2)” settings that follow the insert effect.
An asterisk “
” is shown at the right of Ch01–16
for the channel numbers of timbres that are routed
to IFX. If multiple timbres/tracks of different
MIDI channels are routed to IFX, set the “Control
Channel” to specify the channel you’ll use to con-
trol the effect.
For a combination, you will normally use the Gch
(global MIDI channel) to control the effect.
For a multi set, you can use any MIDI channel that
is convenient.
“All Rt.” stands for All Routed, indicating that
you can control the effect using the channel of any
timbre/track that is routed.
Master effects
You can specify the MIDI channel that will control
dynamic modulation (Dmod) for the master effects.
For a combination, you will normally use the Gch
(global MIDI channel) to control the effects.
For a multi set, you can use any MIDI channel that
is convenient.
Dynamic modulation and
Dynamic modulation (Dmod) is a function that lets
you use MIDI messages or the microX’s controllers
to control specific effect parameters in realtime.
BPM/MIDI Sync. is another function that controls
effect parameters, and is used to synchronize the
LFO speed of modulation-type effects or the delay
time etc. of delay-type effects to the tempo of the
arpeggiator or an external sequencer.
Using dynamic modulation to con-
trol effects in realtime
These examples show how you can use dynamic
modulation to control an effect parameter in real-
1. As described in the procedure for “Effect
settings for a program” (☞p.81), set “IFX” to
49: LCR BPM Delay. Verify that a delay sound
is being output.
Then continue on to set the items described
Moving the joystick to vary the delay
level via Dmod
1. Access the PROG 8: Ed–InsertFX, IFX page.
2. Set “InLvl Mod” to +100.
3. Set “Src” to JS+Y#1.
The joystick will control the input level to the
When you set “Src” to JS+Y#1, the level of
delayed signal will be set to zero, and will
gradually increase as you push up on the
Pressing a foot switch to vary the feed-
back level via Dmod
1. In the GLOBAL 0: System, Foot page, set “Foot
SW Assign” to Foot SW (CC#82).