Voltage Tests
Variance in voltage affects treadmill performance. Here is how to trace the voltage into and out of the
8700 series treadmill.
Confirm incoming voltage: 120/220 VAC where the line cord attaches to treadmill.
It could be; relay board, lower SCR board, terminal block or lower harness.
Confirm 12-17 VDC (plug into outlet) output voltage from DC transformer (HOME MILLS ONLY)
Confirm 12-17 VDC between Black and Green wires on main wire harness.
Confirm 10 VDC (for 110v) and 20 VDC (for 220v) out of Motor Control Board per mile per hour. See
Example: (Speed set @ 3.0mph)
SCR: Measure between MTR+ and MTR-
PWM: Measure between A+ and A-
In both of these examples we have should have a voltage reading of 30VDC for 110v and 60VDC for
220v @3mph.
Confirm incoming voltage: 120VAC between L1 and L2 wires on PWM. For 115v and 230v rated
PWM’s acceptable variance is + or - 8%.
SCR lower boards (CLUB & LTD) acceptable variance is + or - 10%.
Confirm incoming voltage: 6-7 VDC between V+ and P1, 0-7VDC between P1
And P2 (will vary in relation to speed indicated)