
Commercial Treadmills
Once a week
1. Wipe down display with soft cotton cloth and mild soap and water.
Cloth should be damp not wet. Once a week or as needed.
2. Wipe down handrails and traction strips with soft cotton cloth and mild soap and water. Cloth
should be damp not wet. Once a week or as needed.
3. Vacuum or wipe down the Deck area between treadbelt and frame. Once a week.
Once a Month
1. Take off Motor cover and vacuum.
2. Slide clean towel under Treadbelt and wipe deck and under the belt. Rotate belt 180 degrees and
3. SlipCote under Treadbelt.
4. Check Drive Belt Tension
5. Check Treadbelt Tension and Tracking
Every Six Months
1. Check Motor Brushes for wear. Dress Commutator if needed.
Instructions for lubricating treadmills with SlipCote
SlipCote lubricant is designed to reduce friction between the treadbelt and slider deck. It is required
for all institutional treadmills. Proper and timely application of SlipCote will prevent premature
failures due to excessive wear and load. Items affected by inadequate lubrication are the treadbelt,
slider deck, motor, and motor controller.
When to lubricate:
Landice institutional treadmills should be lubricated on a monthly basis.
How to lubricate:
Only use SlipCote by Landice. Most standard greases, waxes, and silicon sprays will build up on the
deck and rollers and have an adverse effect on the longevity of the treadmill.
Using a large syringe, such as a turkey baster, squirt 1/2 tube full of SlipCote underneath the center
of the Treadbelt (1/2 Oz.). If you’re using our SlipCote packets, empty the entire contents of the
packet under the center of the treadbelt.
Walk for 1 minute on the treadmill at a speed of 1.0 mph. This will moisten about an 8" track
underneath the center of the entire Treadbelt.
Note: Do not get SlipCote on TOP of Treadbelt. This will make treadbelt very slippery and make
treadmill dangerous to use. We recommend using rubbing alcohol applied to a sponge to remove any
SlipCote on the treadbelt.
Cleaning display- Use mild solution of Non-Phosphate cleaner on damp soft cotton cloth.
Cleaning Treadbelt Walking Surface- Treadbelts can become dirty and unsightly when users
track dirt onto them. If vacuuming doesn’t remove dirt, we recommend the use of a nylon bristle