
Troubleshooting BOOTP Troubleshooting
B - 3
B.2 BOOTP Troubleshooting
BOOTP failure does not disable the unit from booting. If the BOOTP request
fails even though you have conÞgured your host to respond to the request,
check the following areas:
Table B-2: BOOTP Troubleshooting
Area to Check Explanation
Is BOOTP in your
/etc/services Þle?
BOOTP must be in the /etc/services Þle as a real TCP/IP
service. It must not be commented out.
Is the MSS in the
loadhostÕs /etc/hosts Þle?
The MSS must be in this Þle for the host to answer a BOOTP
or TFTP request.
Is the download Þle in
the right directory? Is it
The download Þle must be in the correct directory and be
world-readable for the BOOTP request to be answered. You
should generally specify the complete pathname for the
download Þle in the BOOTP conÞguration Þle.
Are the MSS and the host
in the same IP network?
Some hosts do not allow BOOTP replies across IP networks.
Use a host that is running a different operating system, or
change the MSS so that it is on the same IP network as the