
Obtaining New Software Updating Software
D - 2
Once a connection has been made, the following text will be displayed:
Figure D-1: Lantronix FTP Session
All released Þles are in the pub directory. Always download the README Þle
Þrst; it contains a directory of available software versions.
D.1.2 Via a Modem
The Lantronix BBS system uses modems capable of v.32, v.34, v.42, v.42bis,
9600/2400/1200 baud operation for the physical connection and the KERMIT
software package for Þle transfer. The modem number is USA (714) 367-1051,
the account name is ets, and the password is server (see Figure -D-2).
NOTE: The download files (*.SYS) are image data and should only be
transferred in binary mode. If binary mode is not used, the files
will be corrupted.
220-Welcome to the Lantronix FTP Server.
220-Direct questions to support@lantronix.com or 1.800.422.7044.
220-Questions about this ftp account only to ftp.lantronix.com.
220-nexus FTP server (Ver. wu-2.4(1) Wed Sep 7 12:32:43 PDT 1994)
Name (ftp.lantronix.com:jerry): anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password
Password: jerry@widgets.com
[your e-mail address, not echoed]
230-Welcome to the Lantronix FTP Server.
230-IMPORTANT: Please get the README file before proceeding.
230-IMPORTANT: Set BINARY mode before transferring executables.
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply
Remote system type is UNIX.
[your type displayed here]
Using binary mode to transfer files.