
TCP/IP Configuration
4 - 21
The printer name is your EPS service name. The remote host name is the name of your EPS
as it is listed in your hosts file.
Remote Printing Configuration
Enter information for remote printers or local printers accepting remote
printing requests
Please enter the printer name (q to quit): backupprinter
Is printer backupprinter a remote printer or a local printer? (r/l) r
Please enter the name of the remote host that backupprinter is attached
to: EPS_xxxxxx
The backupprinter is connected to host EPS_xxxxxx.
Is this correct? (y/n) y
Would you like this to be the sys.default printer? (y/n) y
Make sure your hostname appears in EPS_PRT’s /etc/hosts.equivor or /etc/
hosts:lpd file.
Make sure backupprinter appears in /etc/printcap (in BSD format).
Make sure backupprinter has a spool directory on EPS_PRT.
Putting the printer in printer description file and creating spool di-
rectory... done
Updating LP information... done