
I - 3
I.3 BOOTP Troubleshooting
If the BOOTP request is failing and you have configured your host to respond to the request,
check these areas:
Table I-3: BOOTP Troubleshooting
Area to Check Explanation
BOOTP is in your system’s
/etc/services file
BOOTP must be an uncommented line in the /etc/services file.
The Server is in the loadhost’s
/etc/hosts file
The Server must be in this file for the host to answer a BOOTP or
TFTP request.
The download file is in the correct
directory and is world-readable
The download file must be in the correct directory and world-read-
able. Specify the complete pathname for the download file in the
BOOTP configuration file or, a add a default pathname to the
download filename.
The Server and host are in the same
IP network
Some hosts will not allow BOOTP replies across IP networks.
Either use a host running a different operating system or put the
Server in the same IP network as the host.