Chapter 9: Setup Mode: Channel Configuration
XPress DR+ User Guide 72
Connect Mode
Connect Mode defines how the unit makes a connection, and how it reacts to incoming
connections over the network.
ConnectMode (C0) ? _
Enter Connect Mode options in hexadecimal notation.
Note: All bit positions in the table that are blank represent “don’t care” bits, for
that particular option, which can be set to either a 0 or 1 value.
Table 9-5. Connect Mode Options
Connect Mode Option 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
a) Incoming Connection
Never accept incoming 0 0 0
Accept with DTR Active 0 1 0
Always Accept 1 1 0
b) Response
Nothing (quiet) 0
Character response (C=connect,
D=disconnect, N=unreachable)
c) Active Startup
No active startup 0 0 0 0
With any character 0 0 0 1
With DTR Active 0 0 1 0
With a specific start character 0 0 1 1
Manual connection 0 1 0 0
Autostart 0 1 0 1
Hostlist 0 0 1 0
d) Datagram Type
Directed UDP 1 1 0 0
e) Modem Mode
No Echo 0 0 1 1
Data Echo & Modem Response
0 1 1 1 1
Data Echo & Modem Response
0 1 1 1 0