
Chapter 9: Setup Mode: Channel Configuration
XPress DR+ User Guide 82
Send Characters
Enter up to two characters in hexadecimal representation in sendchar.
SendChar 1 ( 0) ? _
SendChar 2 ( 0) ? _
If the unit receives a character on the serial line that matches one of these characters, it
sends the character immediately, along with any awaiting characters, to the TCP
connection. This action minimizes the response time for specific protocol characters on
the serial line (for example, ETX, EOT). Setting the first sendchar to 00 disables the
recognition of the characters. Alternatively, the unit can interpret two characters as a
sequence (see Pack Control on page 80).
Telnet Terminal Type
This parameter displays only if you enabled the terminal type option in Disconnect Mode.
With this option enabled, you can use the terminal name for the Telnet terminal type.
Enter only one name.
With terminal type option enabled, the unit also reacts to the EOR (end of record) and
binary options, useful for applications like terminal emulation to IBM hosts.
Channel (Port) Password
This parameter appears only if the channel (port) password option is enabled in
Disconnect Mode. With this option enabled, you can set a password on the serial port.
WLAN Settings (XPress DR+W Only)
Note: To use DeviceInstaller for communication to an XPress DR+W over a wireless
network, you must first configure the network and WLAN settings using a serial
connection. See Chapter 4:XPress DR+W.
Before the XPress DR+W can communicate on an 802.11b/g wireless network, the
WLAN settings must match the wireless network. By default, the XPress DR+W is set to
Ad Hoc network mode, and its wireless Network Name (SSID) is LTRX_IBSS.
Note: Due to regulations, the country-specific setting has been removed from the setup
menu and Web Manager. We provide a separate utility for changing the Country/Zone
setting. The utility is called SetZone and is included in the XPress DR+W package. It is
also available for download from the Lantronix web site (www.lantronix.com).
The syntax is SetZone <IP address> [<zone abbreviation>]
Leaving the zone blank causes the utility to report the current setting only.
Following are valid zone abbreviations. These settings are consistent with
IEEE802.11b/g zones: