
Updating Firmware UDS10/UDS100 User Guide
6. Select Do not copy or replace any files and click Next.
Note: This option upgrades the firmware file (.ROM file) only, not
the Web Manager files (.COB).
7. Click Next again. The status of the upgrade shows in the window.
8. After the upgrade completes, click Close.
Using TFTP
If you are running Windows NT or higher, you can simply enter the following
command at the command prompt:
TFTP –i IP address of UDS PUT source file name destination file name
Note: It is easiest to issue the command from the same directory as the one
where the firmware files are.
To download new firmware using a TFTP client:
1. Use a TFTP client to send a binary file (LTX*.ROM for UDS10, DLX*.ROM for
UDS100) to the unit to upgrade the unit's internal operational code, and
CBXW*.cob to upgrade its internal web interface).
Note: TFTP requires the .ROM (binary) version of the unit's internal
operational code.
2. Make sure the Put and Binary options at the top of the window are selected.
3. Enter the full path of the firmware file in the Source File field.
4. In the Destination File field, type of the following:
3L for the UDS10 or 3D for the UDS100 to load the internal operational code
WEB6 for the internal web interface.
5. In the Remote Host field, enter the IP address of the unit being upgraded.
6. Click the Put button to transfer the file to the unit.