Troubleshooting and Contact Information UDS10/UDS100 User Guide
Table 8-1. UDS10/UDS100 LEDs
Serial LEDs Meaning
10 Mbps link/activity steady green Valid 10 Mbps network connection
10 Mbps link/activity blinking Network packets transmitting and receiving
100 Mbps link/activity steady green Valid 100 Mbps network connection
100Mbps link/activity blinking Network packets transmitting and receiving
Collision blinking red Network collisions
Diagnostic steady red and status blinking
2 blinks = RAM error
4 blinks = EEPROM checksum error
5 blinks = Duplicate IP address on network
Diagnostic blinking red and status
blinking green
5 blinks = No DHCP response
Status steady green Serial port not connected to network
Status blinking green Serial port connected to network
Problems and Error Messages
When troubleshooting the following problems, make sure that the UDS is
powered up and the Link LED is lit solid green. If the Link LED is not lit, then
the physical network connection is bad. Confirm that you are using a good
network connection.
We recommend that you use a serial connection so you can view any
diagnostic information sent out the serial port.
Table 8-2. Problems and Error Messages
Problem/Message Reason Solution
When you issue the ARP –S
command in Windows, The ARP
entry addition failed: 5 message
Your currently logged-in user does
not have the correct rights to use this
command on this PC.
Have someone from your IT
department log you in with sufficient
When you attempted to assign an IP
address to the UDS using the ARP
method, the Press Enter to go into
Setup Mode error (described below)
displayed. Now when you Telnet to
the UDS, the connection fails.
When you Telnet into port 1 on the
UDS, you are only assigning a
temporary IP address. When you
Telnet into port 9999 and do not
press Enter quickly, the UDS
reboots, causing it to lose the IP
Telnet back into port 1. Wait for it to
fail, then Telnet to port 9999 again.
Make sure you press Enter quickly.
When you Telnet to port 9999, the
message Press Enter to go into Setup
Mode displays. However, nothing
happens when you press Enter, or
your connection closes.
You did not press Enter quickly
enough. You only have 5 seconds to
press Enter before the connection
Telnet to port 9999 again, but press
Enter as soon as you see the
message Press Enter to go into
Setup Mode.