Using the PayClock Software
PayClock utilizes a sleek user interface that allows you to get more
out of the functions you use most. The interface provides centralized
navigation to all parts and functions within the software. Navigation
panes allow you to quickly manage payroll rules, employees, payroll
data and reports. Simply click on a tab or button to open the pane
and associated window. Use the “Quick Action” buttons under
Payroll Process or Other Tasks to access routine operations.
Using the Ribbon Bar
The PayClock Ribbon Bar has replaced the typical menus and
toolbars. This new bar allows PayClock to present the functions you
need on a set of organized tabs. The tabs are; Home, Timecards,
Scheduling, Reports, Terminal Manager and Setup. This new ribbon
bar makes using PayClock easier. Because of the way that the tabs are
organized, you get to the functions quicker.