Setting up PayClock
How does PayClock calculate time?
PayClock uses an open shift to define the start of the workday. An
employee’s open shift starts with his/her first punch of the day and
continues until the day change or for 14 hours if working past the day
change. The work day length is set to 14 hours by default.
Example 1:
• Jane Doe's first punch Monday morning was at 7:30 am.
• She didn’t punch out to leave for the day until 10:00 pm.
PayClock calculated her time as 14 hours and 30 minutes
because she didn’t work past the day change.
Example 2:
• Jane Doe's first punch on Tuesday was at 1:00 pm.
• Using the maximum work day length setting of 14 hours,
PayClock defines the expected end of her open shift to be by
3:00 am on Wednesday.
• Jane’s time will calculate and no missing registration
exception will be generated if she punches out to complete
her shift by 3:00 am on Wednesday.
• Jane’s time will not calculate and a missing registration
exception will be generated if she punches out to complete
her shift after 3:00 am on Wednesday.
Minimum PayClock Set up
After completing the hardware and software installation, you should
set up your basic company structure. This includes the pay period,
overtime and rounding.