
960L Owner’s Maunal Operations in Detail
There are also 8-in/8-out configurations (Figure 4-9). No effects processing is available in this configuration, but
it is useful for wiring checks and diagnostics.
Control Mode: Clocks, Configuration, and System Screens, continued
Figure 4-8 — 2-in/5-out configuration at 44.1/48 kHz; two machines available
44.1/48 kHz Dual machine (2-in and 2-in):
Input Assignment 1 Left 1 Right 2 Left 2 Right Unused Unused Unused Unused
Analog Input Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AES Input Channel 1 (L) 2 (R) 3 (L) 4 (R) 5 (L) 6 (R) 7 (L) 8 (R)
Output Assignment Left Right Center Left Right Unused Lt Rt
Surround Surround
Analog Output Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AES Output Channel 1 (L) 2 (R) 3 (L) 4 (R) 5 (L) 6 (R) 7 (L) 8 (R)
Figure 4-9 — 8-in/8-out configuration for 44.1/48 kHz (left) and 88.2/96 kHz (right).
In 2-in/5-out configurations the 960L generates
surround soundfields from stereo sources. Again, all
available machines are configured for surround or other
multi-channel output. At 44.1/48 kHz sample rates
(Figure 4-8) two machines are both sharing the same
output channels. On the display, the output paths of the
two machines are colored differently for easier visibility.
Note: In the four configurations shown above, all available machines can be used for processing. Where more
than one machine is available, each can be programmed individually.