
Appendix Lexicon
Appendix, continued
Stereo - Chambers
Number Name Algorithm Description
B4 P1
Medium Chamber Chamber A medium-sized empty chamber with reflective walls and about one second MidRT.
B4 P2
Snare Chamber Chamber
Smaller in size than Medium Chamber and about 1/2 second MidRT. As the name
suggests, useful for snare drums.
B4 P3 Mini Chamber Chamber Similar to Snare Chamber, but even smaller.
B4 P4
SM Brite Chamber Chamber Medium-sized, but with a shortened MidRT and some added reflections.
B4 P5
Soft Chamber Chamber
Medium sized, about 1/2 second MidRT, and the highs rolled off to soften the
B4 P6
LG Brite Chamber Chamber Large size setting, about 1.5 second MidRT, and some added reflections.
B4 P7
LG Dark Chamber Chamber
Draw the curtains and put carpeting on the floor of LG Brite Chamber and it would
sound like this.
B4 P8
LG Vocal
Chamber Low diffusion setting with delays and echoes. Good starting point for a pop vocal.
B4 P9
Huge Chamber Chamber Size set at 40 meters with about 2.5 second MidRT. This one's huge
B4 P0
Slap Chamber Chamber
Small, low diffusion, with delays and slight echoes, this one's slappy. Good starting
point for a "Rockabilly"-type vocal sound.
Stereo Bank 4: Chambers
Stereo Bank 5: Stage + Chamber Stereo - Chamber + Stage Reflections
Number Name Algorithm Description
B5 P1 Large + Chamber Ambience A Large recital hall with a stage.
B5 P2
Med + Chamber Ambience
Medium-sized Ambience up front with about a 1.75 second MidRT setting, make
this like a 40-80 seat recital hall.
B5 P3 Small + Chamber Ambience
Small-sized ambient reflections coupled with a chamber reverb give this Program
an intimate feel. Good for individual acoustic instruments.
B5 P4 Empty
B5 P5 Empty
B5 P6 Empty
B5 P7 Empty
B5 P8 Empty
B5 P9 Empty
B5 P0 Snare Strainer Ambience Useful for adding more strainer to a snare that is all "attack."