Using the printer menus
Understanding the operator panel
Quality Menu
Use the Quality Menu to change printer settings affecting the quality of printed characters and images.
Note: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
Menu item Purpose Values
To improve the quality of grayscale
On Uses modified screening parameters
to improve print quality of graphics.
Off* Uses standard screening parameters.
Print Resolution
To select printed output resolution. 600 dpi
1200 Image Q
2400 Image Q
1200 dpi
Toner Darkness
To lighten or darken text images, or
conserve toner.
1–10 (8*) Select a lower value for finer line width
and lighter grayscale images. Select a
higher value for bolder line widths or
darker grayscale images. Select 10 for
very bold text. Select a value less than
7 to conserve toner.
On the operator panel display, a
vertical bar ( | ) indicates the factory
default value. An arrow symbol ( V )
indicates a user default value.