
Understanding the printer configuration menus
Understanding the printer configuration menus
Parallel menu
Use the Parallel menu to change printer settings on jobs sent through a parallel port.
Setup menu
Use the Setup menu to configure how the printer formats the end of a line, depending on the computer system being used.
Setting Purpose Values
NPA Mode Send print jobs to the printer and
query printer status information
Protocol Receive information at a much higher
transmission rate if your printer is set
to Fastbytes (if your computer
supports Fastbytes) or receive
information at a normal transmission
rate if your printer is set to Standard.
Parallel Mode 2 Determine whether the parallel port
data is sampled on the leading (On) or
trailing (Off) edge of strobe.
MAC Binary PS Configure the printer to process
Macintosh binary PostScript print jobs.
Off—The printer filters PostScript print jobs using
standard protocol.
On—The printer processes raw binary PostScript print
jobs from computers using the Macintosh operating
system. This setting often causes Windows print jobs
to fail.
Auto*—The printer processes print jobs from
computers using either Windows or Macintosh
operating systems.
* Factory default
Setting Purpose Values
Auto CR after LF Specify whether the printer automatically performs a carriage return after a
line feed control command.
Auto LF after CR Specify whether the printer automatically performs a line feed after a
carriage return control command.
* Factory default