Understanding the MFP control panel
Learning about the MFP
10 Asterisk (*) * is used as part of a fax number or as an alphanumeric
11 USB Direct interface The host Universal Serial Bus (USB) direct interface on
the control panel is used to plug in a USB flash memory
device and print any Portable Document Format (PDF)
[.pdf file], Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
[.jpeg or .jpg file], Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) [.tiff
or .tif file], Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) [.gif file],
Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) [.bmp file], Portable
Network Graphics (PNG) [.png file], PiCture eXchange
(PCX) [.pcx file], and PC Paintbrush File Format [.dcx file]
The USB direct interface can also be used to scan a
document to a USB flash memory device using the PDF,
TIFF, or JPEG formats.
Callout Control panel item Function