Solving print quality problems
The Quality menu control panel options can be adjusted to help improve print quality.
In addition, the Enhance Fine Lines and Gray Correction options can be enabled to improve print quality. These settings are
available on the driver and on the MFP Embedded Web Server (EWS) interface. For more information about these options,
see the driver Help.
Menu selection Purpose Values
Print Resolution To select printed output resolution 600 dpi*
1200 dpi
2400 Image Q
Toner Darkness Lightens or darkens printed output and
alters toner consumption
1–10 8* is the default setting.
Select a lower number to lighten the
printed output or save toner.
Brightness Adjusts the gray value of printed
graphics and pictures
-6 – +6 0* is the default setting.
Contrast Adjusts the contrast of printed graphics
and pictures
0–5 0* is the default setting.
Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
Driver option Purpose Values
Enhance Fine Lines A selection to enable a print mode
preferable for certain files containing
fine line detail, such as architectural
drawings, maps, electronic circuit
diagrams, and flow charts
On In the driver, select On or Off.
Off* In the driver, select On or Off.
Gray Correction Automatically adjusts the contrast
enhancement applied to images
Auto In the driver, select Auto or Off.
Off* In the driver, select Auto or Off.
Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.