File back-up service Schedule Backup & Restoration
- Select a backup method.
Backup is done by file, and it is possible to select ‘Incremental Backup and ‘Full
Backup’. When backup is done, a new folder named ‘YearDateHourSecond’, based
on the date of backup will be created, and the folders and filers within that folder will
be backed up. In case you select ‘Incremental Backup’, only the files that have been
newly added or changed since the first backup will be backed up.
- Check for errors in the file written on the disc after burning.
- Click ‘Open’ button for detailed setting.
- It is possible to designate extension for the file to be backed up. When you select a
‘Picture File’ or a ‘Document File’, you can back up only the files with the extension of
a picture file or a document file. Otherwise all files will be backed up.
- It is possible to specify an extension of the file that you wish to exclude. Specify an
extension(*.bak, *tmp, etc) of a file to prevent unnecessary backup of files.
- Click ‘Save’ button to store the backup schedule.
3. Edit a Backup Schedule
Select a backup schedule to be edited from the backup schedule list and click the
‘Edit’ button or the name of backup schedule to change the details.