File sharing service
File server
You can see share folder. You can manage folder and file with Drag & Drop, and
rename or delete. Depending on the network environment it is prohibited to operate
FTP server on the local network using a firewall. In case of a problem with FTP ac-
cess, it is recommended to refer to IP network sharing device manual or receive help
from the network administrator.
2. AFP
AFP provides a similar environment with sharing folder on Windows.
LG Network Storage supports FTPS, which has been strengthened a security on
top of a previous FTP with a purpose of safely protecting the user’s data moving
around the internet. In order to use FTPS, you should use FTP access program,
which supports FTPS. Search program window operating system supports does
not support FTPS. In general, common FTP access programs support FTPS, and
for more details please refer to a user manual of the pertinent access program. (In
case of FileZilla,a popular free FTP access program, you cannot access LG Network
Storage with FTPS.)
AFP is usable within the network in which LG Network Storage is installed. However
it is not possible to access through internet from the outside unless there is a
special network set-up due to reasons such as firewall etc.
It is recommended to use ‘window file share’ unless there is a special reason as
Mac OS X basically supports ‘window file share’