
Pre-Installation Guidelines
3.4 Connections and System Setup
Plan the routing of wiring, piping and ductwork to the unit. See Figure 55 and Figures 66
through 79 for unit connection locations.
Water/glycol and GLYCOOL units utilizing a drycooler may require an optional aquastat setting.
See Tables 58 through 57 aquastat setting guidelines. Applications with the optional stat set-
ting require field piping to be insulated to prevent condensation.
The unit requires a drain, which must comply with all applicable codes. This drain line may con-
tain boiling water. See 8.1.1 - Condensate Piping—Field-Installed for details.
Three-phase electrical service is required for all models. Electrical service must conform to
national and local electrical codes. See equipment nameplate for details.
If seismic requirements apply, consult your local Emerson representative for information about a
seismic-rated floor stand.
3.5 Operating Conditions
The Liebert DS must be operated in a conditioned space within the operating envelope ASHRAE
recommends for data centers: Maximum temperature of 77°F (25°C) DB and 55% RH or maxi-
mum WB of 65.5°F (18.6°C).
Operating outside this envelope can decrease equipment reliability.
Return air to the unit must be no cooler than the ASHRAE recommendation of 68°F (20°C) DB
and 40% RH or minimum WB of 54°F (12.2°C) for proper unit operation.
Operating below this can decrease equipment reliability.
Refer to ASHRAE’s publication, “Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Environments.”